Contract example

Contract example

Below is an example client contract for Goldielocks Norwich:

  • I cannot guarantee the number of extensions you may lose. This depends on many factors. I.e. how often you wash and style your hair, your hair type or if you swim or tie your hair up a lot. Maintenance is required every 10-12 weeks. You may lose some strands between maintenances, should you lose any, keep them and bring back to your refit appointment so I can put them back in. If you lose more than 20 strands in the first 3 weeks, please contact me to discuss as this may mean the extensions are not suitable for your hair type. In this case unfortunately I am not able to offer a refund of any monies paid as I will not be able to determine if your hair is suitable for extensions until after they are fitted.
  • If the hair is matted/tangled within the first 7 days from fitting, this is not correct so please contact me immediately and I will either make so me after care suggestions and possibly even remove the hair for free to return to the supplier and attempt to get a refund of some money for you. However after 7 days from fitting no refunds of monies paid will be offered as it will be uncertain whether you, the client, have followed the correct aftercare advice.
  • The colour of the extensions will be agreed upon consultation if it is agreed that is a suitable match, or that you as the client agree to dye your hair after the fitting to get a better match, we cannot be held responsible for any colour difference between your own hair and the extensions that were ordered.
  • If you decide to colour your own hair and/or extensions, we cannot be held responsible for any change in the quality of the hair extensions or any damage caused. Although the majority of dyes are suitable for the hair extensions, we cannot be sure what is in the dye you use or your stylist/colourist use that may affect the hair extensions.
  • Although, it is rarely possible the client’s hair may not be suitable for extensions but I would not know this until the hair has been fitted. There is a small chance you may experience loss of your own hair as a result of wearing the extensions and in these cases I would require you, the client, to contact me immediately and we would need to remove the hair for you as soon as possible, however I would be unable to offer you a refund of any monies that have been paid to me in these circumstances. If I am unavailable to remove the hair due to being away or fully booked you will need to find another extensionist immediately to remove them for you.
  • If you have hair extensions already fitted by me but have maintenance carried out by another hair extensionist/company, I cannot be held responsible for any problems that arise after that refit is done.
  • If your hair is very short (above shoulder length) I cannot guarantee the final look that can be achieved, and by signing this form you are confirming that I have explained this to you and that I have advised you on a shorter/layered cut that will give you a more natural look, however I cannot be held responsible for the outcome.
  • On the occasion the locks may lose their colour, I cannot be held responsible for this as I am unsure what causes this on the rare occasion this happens. However, the locks will be changed upon maintenance.
  • Very rarely the extensions might be uncomfortable and painful. Sometimes this is until they have settled (possibly could take approximately a week) however if it continues and you need to have the hair extensions removed, I cannot be held responsible and no refund can be offered.
  • Should you feel that you are unhappy with wearing hair extensions for any cosmetic reasons, i.g you feel you do not suit longer hair, I cannot refund you the cost of the hair as once the hair has been fitted, I cannot reuse the hair and it must be binned.
  • I understand that If I do not book a refit within the 12 weeks timeframe, with at least 4 weeks notice for booking an appointment, I am not eligible for a refit discount.
  • You must let me know whether you are allergic to copper.
  • You must receive, read and understand a copy of The Golden Rules and these terms and conditions.
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